SiliconPV 2022 Online Tutorials

In the week before the conference SiliconPV offers several tutorials for students and young scientists. Each tutorial will highlight a different topic.

Dates:       March 24+25, 2022
Fee:           5 € per tutorial (+VAT if applicable)
                   Pre-registration is required.

The tutorials will be held online.

Registration is possible through the conference registration. The number of attendees is limited, so be quick to reserve your space!


Thursday, March 24

Tutorial 1: Heterojunction Silicon Solar Cells

10:00 - 11:00 (CET)
Tutors: Dr. Renaud Varache (CEA) + Dr. Bertrand Paviet-Salomon (CSEM)

Tutorial 2: Passivating Contacts on Basis of Polycrystalline Si

11:15 - 12:15 (CET)
Tutors: Dr. Sebastian Mack (Fraunhofer ISE) + Dr. Michael Rienäcker (ISFH)

Tutorial 3: Hybrid Tandem Technology 

13:15 - 14:15 (CET)
Tutors: Dr. Christian Wolff (EPFL) + Dr. Hariharsudan Sivaramakrishnan Radhakrishnan (imec)


Tutorial 4: Hydrogen in Silicon, its Interaction with Defects, and Gettering Effects

14:30 - 15:30 (CET)
Tutors: Dr. Axel Herguth (University of Konstanz) + Dr. Sébastien Dubois (CEA-INES)

Friday, March 25

Tutorial 5: Advanced Interconnect and Encapsulation Technologies for Silicon PV

10:00 - 11:00 (CET)
Tutors: Dr. Loic Tous (imec) + Dr. Michael Daenen (UHasselt)


Tutorial 6: AI/Machine Learning for Advancing PV Developments

11:15 - 12:15 (CET)
Tutors: Dr. Hannes Wagner-Mohnsen (Wavelabs) + Dr. Matthias Demant (Fraunhofer ISE)

Tutorial 7: Bifacial Technologies, Cost and Deployment

13:15 - 14:15 (CET)
Tutors: Dr. Radovan Kopecek (ISC Konstanz) + Dr. Mauro Pravettoni (SERIS)

Time Zones

The times of the tutorials are shown in Central European Time: Konstanz/Berlin (CST).

Difference to local time zones:

   Sydney+10 h
   Tokio/Seoul+8 h
   UTC-1 h
   Washington DC    -5 h
   San Francisco-8 h

To calculate the difference to your own time zone, please use a time zone converter and enter your local time zone and Berlin (CET) (e.g. here).