SiliconPV Conference Chairpersons
Chair: Prof. Dr. Giso Hahn (University of Konstanz, Germany)
Co-Chair: Prof. Pierre Verlinden (Amrock Pty Ltd, Australia)
Chair: Prof. Dr. Giso Hahn (University of Konstanz, Germany)
Co-Chair: Prof. Pierre Verlinden (Amrock Pty Ltd, Australia)
Prof. Christophe Ballif (EPFL STI IMT PV-LAB, Switzerland)
Dr. Sébastien Dubois (CEA, France)
Prof. Dr. Stefan Glunz (Fraunhofer ISE, Germany)
Prof. Dr. Giso Hahn (University of Konstanz, Germany)
Prof. Dr. Robby Peibst (ISFH, Germany)
Prof. Dr. Jef Poortmans (imec, Belgium)
Prof. Pierre Verlinden (Amrock Pty Ltd, Australia)
Prof. Dr. Arthur Weeber (TNO Energy Transition, The Netherlands)
Aalto University, Finland: Prof. Hele Savin
ALD Vacuum Technologies GmbH, Germany: Henrik Franz
Australian National University, Australia: Prof. Daniel Macdonald
Canadian Solar, China: Dr. Weiwei Deng
CEA-INES, France: Dr. Sébastien Dubois, Eszter Voroshazi
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China: Prof. Rui Jia
CSEM, Switzerland: Christophe Allebé, Dr. Antoine Descoeudres, Dr. Heng-Yu Li, Dr. Gizem Nogay
Dow Corning, Belgium: Dr. Guy Beaucarne
Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands: Prof. Erwin Kessels
EPFL, Switzerland: Dr. Mathieu Boccard, Dr. Franz-Josef Haug
Fraunhofer CSP, Germany: Dr. Marko Turek
Fraunhofer ISE, Germany: Dr. Florian Clement, Dr. Andreas Fell, Prof. Stefan Glunz, Dr. Martin Hermle, Dr. Henning Nagel, Dr. Joerg Horzel, Dr. Martin Schubert, Dr. Andreas Wolf
Hanwha Q Cells, Germany: Dr. Fabian Fertig, Dr. Ansgar Mette, Dr. Stefan Peters
HZB, Germany: Dr. Lars Korte
Heraeus, Germany: Dr. Matthias Hörteis
imec, Belgium: Dr. Filip Duerinckx, Dr. Ivan Gordon, Dr. Jonathan Govaerts, Dr. Joachim John, Prof. Jef Poortmans, Dr. Loic Tous
Institute for Energy Technology, Norway: Dr. Erik Marstein, Dr. Rune Søndenå
ISC Konstanz, Germany: Jan Lossen
ISFH, Germany: Dr. Thorsten Dullweber, Prof. Jan Schmidt, Dr. Henning Schulte-Huxel
KAUST, Saudi Arabia: Prof. Stefaan De Wolf
Meyer Burger, Germany: Marcel König
Nankai University, China: Prof. Xiaoyan Zhang
NREL, USA: Dr. David Young
Ningbo Institute of Materials Technologies and Engineering, China: Prof. BaoJie Yan
PV Lighthouse, Australia: Dr. Keith McIntosh
Risen Energy, China: Dr. Yimao Wan
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China: Prof. Wenzhong Shen
Sinton Instruments, USA: Dr. Ronald A. Sinton
Solarwatt, Germany: Armin Froitzheim
TNO Energy Transition, The Netherlands: Dr. Bonna Newman, Prof. Arthur Weeber
TOTAL S.A., France: Dr. Lars Oberbeck
Trina Solar, China: Dr. Yifeng Chen, Shu Zhang
TU Delft, The Netherlands: Dr. Olindo Isabella
University of Grenoble Alpes, France: Dr. Delfina Munoz
University of Konstanz, Germany: Axel Herguth, Dr. Barbara Terheiden
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia: Prof. Marko Topič
University of New South Wales, Australia: Prof. Bram Hoex, Prof. Gianluca Coletti
University of Stuttgart, Germany: Dr. Stephanie Essig
Yingli Green Energy, China: Dr. Deng Yuan Song
Zhejiang Jinko Solar Co Ltd., China: Dr. Qi Wang
Zhejiang University, China: Prof. Deren Yang
Dr. Barbara Terheiden (University of Konstanz, Germany)
Prof. Deren Yang (Zhejiang University, China)
Dr. Radovan Kopecek (ISC Konstanz, Germany)
Dr. Mauro Pravettoni (SERIS, Singapore)